sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2018

FOAESP launched online petition for the compulsory licensing of sofosbuvir

The State of São Paulo Forum on NGO/AIDS (FOAESP) launched, last Monday (10/01), a website aiming to collect signatures from citizens, organizations and institutions, calling for the compulsory licensing of Sofosbuvir, drug used on the treatment of Hepatitis C.
On September 18, the National Institute on Intellectual Property (INPI) granted the patent of the drug in Brazil, to the American Company Gilead Sciences. The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), the Working Group on Intellectual Property (GTPI) and the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO) expressed their opposition to the decision.
The presidential candidate Marina Silva (REDE), has obtained an injunction against the patent. On September 24, FOAESP registered, at Palácio do Planalto, Brazilian Government headquarters, an official letter, addressed to the president Michel Temer, pleading the compulsory licensing of the drug, that had its patent granted with the excuse of emergency and the public interest.
If the patent was not granted to Gilead Sciences, the Government could save about a billion Reais from the public funds, only in the first year of domestic production or import of generic sofosbuvir.
In Egypt, a twelve-week treatment with generic sofosbuvir, costs, to the country, less than US$ 200 each. In Brazil the same treatment costs about US$ 4,200.
To support the online petition, visit the website:

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