sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2017

FOAESP petitions action for the Chamber against Ordinance on the Health financing

The national representative Erika Kokay (PT-DF), coordinator of the National Congress Parliamentary Front against STD/HIV/AIDS, is going to sponsor a bill of rights at the House of Representatives in order to invalidate the Ordinance 1091/2017 at the Ministry of Health.
The initiative happened due to na inducement made by the president of the State of São Paulo Forum on NGO/AIDS (FOAESP), Rodrigo Pinheiro, at the Solemn Session in reference to the World AIDS Day at the House of Representatives, on December 1.
The Ordinance, agreed at the Tripartite Interagency Commission (composed of members of the Ministry of Health, the National Council of Health Secretaries and the National Council of Municipal Health Offices), which determines that the resources for the health finance in Brazil must be allocated in only two accounts – cost and capital –, replacing the current six financing packages. Activities concerning prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis and Tuberculosis are in the Health Surveillance financial package.

The requirement
During his statement, Rodrigo thanked the congresswoman for convening the solemn session, but exacted from the Chamber and its chairman the “compromise on this public health issue”. “I affirm the problem is real and it is unbearable that in Brazil about thirty four people are still dying from AIDS-related illness every day, one person becomes newly infected every fifteen minutes. The country no longer is a reference on the fight against the disease for some time now. This setback is going to increase the number of newly cases and deaths after the Ministry of Health Ordinance 1091/2017, that reduces the current number of six financing packages to two. The incentive policy [which gives support to the programmes on the fight against HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis] belongs to the Health Surveillance financing package, the one which guarantees that the municipalities that have more AIDS incidence, are supported by these funds to improve actions against the epidemic. This is on the verge of extinction. As a consequence of the financial packages extinction,  the Brazilian epidemic that nowadays is concentrated will become generalized. This Chamber must be committed on barring those Ordinance, otherwise, this country will suffer a huge reversal on the fight against AIDS.
From the chairmanship of the Solemn Session, the deputy Erika Kokay undertook to sponsor a bill of rights in order to suspend the Ministry of Health Ordinance 1091/2017, as also to invite the minister of heath, Ricardo Barros, for a public hearing, “so he can explain the setback we are witnessing regarding to the policy on the fight against AIDS”.
The secretary of the National Articulation on the Fight against AIDS (Anaids), Carla Diana, reported that the organization which represents the Brazilian social movement on the fight against AIDS has issued a note against the Ordinance 1091/2017. The document expresses the Anaids’ concern and opposition to the governmental initiative, that have already worsened after the investment freeze implemented through the Constitutional Amendment 95/2016”. According to the note, the incentive policy is “fundamental on the fight against AIDS, as it keeps efforts at the prioritized States and Municipalities”.
“It is necessary to point out that the Ordinance, when taking out the financing of specific destination, works at the perspective of the extinction of the policies on the fight against HIV/AIDS, as well as the NGOs, that brought the AIDS issue to the agenda. If the financial blocks are extinguished, we will probably face many difficulties on convincing the state and municipal managers to assume the efforts against the epidemic”, answered the deputy to the chair of the board.
Previously to Rodrigo, Luis Carlos Vieira, who was representing the National Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS  (RNP+Brasil) on the occasion, read the institution document that is also opposed to the Ministry of Health Ordinance. Erika Kokay suggested a public hearing to discuss the points listed in the document.

Red December
At no point of his statement did the technical advisor Ivo Brito, from the Ministry of Health Department on STI, HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Control mention the Ordinance 1091/2017.
The congresswoman ended the hearing questioning who would mourn the 34 deaths from AIDS-related illness in Brazil every day. “Surely will it not be the State”. However, she highlighted the importance of the Red December law, enacted by the Presidency of the Republic in the beginning of November, as also the law criminalizing discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS enacted by the President Dilma Roussef.

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